Free directory of 145 accredited LPN to RN Programs throughout the U.S.

Earn your BSN degree and become a Registered Nurse

Registered nurses are in high demand all over the state of West Virginia right now. With a relatively low number of RN’s available, there are usually jobs available in several different settings. If you are currently an LPN looking to advance your career into an RN setting, you may be able to find a position in a hospital anywhere in the state. Although, RNs are also needed to fill positions in West Virginia long term care facilities.

One of the best places to inquire about LPN to RN programs in West Virginia are the local community colleges. These institutions offer quality programs to meet the flexible learning needs of all types of students. Whether you are looking to attend classes online, during the night or weekend, or as a full time college student during the day, you will find the program you need in many locations in West Virginia.

One of the most popular avenues for moving from an LPN to an RN is through online classes. People are busy. Many students do not have time to spend hours in a classroom. Choosing to take many of the courses online can save you time and even money. If you enjoy an online learning environment, you will want to check into programs that offer this method of coursework delivery. Although, you will also need to consider the time it will take for in person lab work and clinicals that will be performed in a hospital or other medical environment under supervision.

When you acquired your LPN certificate, you already met many of the prerequisite classes needed to begin your RN program. When you complete the application, you will also need to provide transcripts of prior classwork showing at least a C average. As you move into the more advanced courses to earn an RN degree, you will build upon your prior learning and the experiences gained while working as an LPN. Some LPN to RN bridge programs will even give you credit for work experience and lesson the amount of time to complete your RN program.

If you are looking to increase your income potential, LPN to RN programs in West Virginia are the right choice. Not only will you be able to make more money, you will also gain more responsibility and have more input as part of the medical team. Patient care is often the reason people enter a medical career. If you are passionate about providing a compassionate and nurturing environment for patients of all types, you will love your new career as an RN.

LPN to RN Programs in West Virginia

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West Virginia LPN to RN Schools

Find LPN to RN online programs that offer flexible scheduling and variable completion dates. Browse our list of nursing schools in West Virginia that offer CCNE accredited LPN to RN programs:

Indiana State University

LPN to RN Online

Accredited LPN to RN Programs in Every State