Start your nursing career as a Practical Nurse with a one year training program
Browse our list of approved LPN programs in Maine (ME) |
In the state of Maine there are many Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) training programs. It is important before enrolling to find out if the school’s LPN program is state approved so that your education will be recognized by the state. This will be required if you wish to practice in the state of Maine. It is also important to find out about the school’s reputation in the health care industry, the percentage of students that graduate, and the percentage of students that find work after graduation. The answer to those questions will be a good indicator of the quality of the training program itself. This will also help you decide if the program provides its students with the necessary tools to obtain employment. A lot of LPN training programs in Maine offer certificate programs which usually take about one year to complete. There are also two-year programs that go a little more in-depth and result in an Associate’s degree. These programs can be found in both vocational and community colleges. In order to accommodate working students, there are many schools that have online courses. The advantage to online courses is the flexibility that is provided but in the health care industry an on-campus learning environment might be more practical. The teacher would be available to answer any questions and provide the support that a lot of students need. Before enrolling in a Maine LPN program, it is important to sit with a school counselor to discuss the coursework and graduation requirements. Career options and information can also be provided. The counselor can also let the student know what elective courses are recommended and which ones are required for different specialty areas. The basic science courses are biology, human anatomy, psychology, and common nursing practices. Additional courses may be gerontology, pharmacology, and special needs patients. A proper LPN training program will prepare a student to sit and pass the state examination (NCLEX-PN) and get them ready to begin a new career as a practical nurse in Maine. |
LPN Training Classes in MaineSorry, we could not find any matching schools List of LPN Schools in Maine (ME)Complete list of Maine schools that offer state approved LPN training programs: Central Maine Community College1250 Turner Street Eastern Maine Community College354 Hogan Road Northern Maine Community College33 Edgemont Drive Southern Maine Community CollegeFort Road Intercoast Career Institute207 Gannett Dr |
National Directory of LPN Training Programs |