Start your nursing career as a Practical Nurse with a one year training program
Browse our list of approved LPN programs in Utah (UT) |
Licensed practical nurses play a very important role as an integral part of the medical team in a hospital, medical center, or private medical office. Utah LPN programs train individuals who are interested in entering this very admirable profession. Spending your career helping people can prove to be emotionally rewarding and financially satisfying for some individuals. The average salary for an LPN in Utah is $37,900 dollars per year. Lets take a look at some of the entrance requirements for enrolling in an LPN program in Utah. Most Utah LPN Programs require that candidates have a high school diploma or equivalent degree. Additional requirements to become an LPN include attending and graduating from an approved LPN education program, passing a criminal background check, passing the NCLEX-PN examination, submitting an application for LPN license in the state of Utah, and submitting a copy of transcript to the Utah Board of Nursing. LPN training programs in Utah include certain mandatory courses which must be passed in order to graduate and take the Utah licensing exam. A few of the usual courses include basic nursing procedures, Infection control, Anatomy and physiology, Patient education, Pharmacology, Gerontology, Clinical experience, Medical administration and Ethics. Practical nursing programs are a great way for those in career transition to enter an interesting field. The course usually takes about one year to complete. There are longer Utah LPN programs which are taught at the collegiate level. After graduation, in about two years, the student receives an Associate’s degree. The first part of the LPN program is in a classroom setting and includes plenty of reading and research. The second part of LPN training usually takes the student into a medical setting where hands-on clinical skills are taught under the supervision of a nurse educator. The LPN career path can be rewarding in itself and can also be used as a stepping stone to other careers in health care and nursing such as becoming a registered nurse, doctor, nurse educator or working in a nursing specialty field. |
LPN Training Programs in UtahSorry, we could not find any matching schools List of LPN Schools in Utah (UT)BRIDGERLAND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE1301 N 600 W, Logan UT 84321 DAVIS APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE550 E 300 S, Kaysville UT 84037 MOUNTAINLAND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE2301 Ashton Blvd, Lehi UT 84043 OGDEN WEBER APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE200 N Washington Blvd, Ogden UT 84404 SNOW COLLEGE SOUTH (RICHFIELD)800 W 200 S, Richfield UT 84701 UINTAH BASIN APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE1100 E Lagoon 124-5, Roosevelt UT 84066 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY – COLLEGE OF EASTERN UTAH451 E 400 N, Price UT 84501 WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY3903 University Circle, Ogden UT 84408 |
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