Start your nursing career as a Practical Nurse with a one year training program
Browse our list of approved LPN programs in Nevada (NV) |
Nevada LPN Programs are amazing, and one can become a licensed practical nurse in a relatively short period of time. Plus, the necessaries for entering into the LPN training are that one has a senior high school diploma or GED, pass background, health checks, and that one is 18 years of age. When the student has graduated from an approved LPN education program they must pass the NCLEX-PN exam to obtain their LPN designation. Then one can set about looking for a new job which will hopefully not take long because of reported LPN shortages across the country. There is a large demand in the United States for LPN positions, particularly in Nevada. This gives one more of a chance to end up a LPN in the state of Nevada. It is predicted that the job outlook for licensed practical nurses will grow at a faster than average rate over the next ten years. Moreover, licensed practical nurses provide a high quality of bedside care to wounded, sick and incapacitated patients, no matter what age or circumstance. What they do is the most common nursing service under direction of registered nurses and physicians who depend upon the LPN there to aid them. Practical nurses usually have the option to specialize in one particular nursing specialty field, such as pediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics, surgery or others. Typical places of employment for LPNs in Nevada include hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing homes, extended care facilities and private residences. Nowadays there are many online LPN programs being offered for students who enjoy distance learning or who have busy work schedules and wish to complete their coursework online. Working online can prove to be very convenient and the only item required is a computer and an internet connection. Most online programs offer on-campus support if needed. Online LPN programs will also have a clinical practice site for learning practical skills. LPN courses of instruction take place at Nevada trade schools, community colleges, online universities and private technical schools. Through the course students will learn how to treat patients, and how to work under the supervision of the doctor or nurse on duty. Courses include hands-on work, such as learning to dress a wound, put in a catheter, do injections, lab testing and sterilizing instruments. Most Nevada practical nursing programs take between one year and eighteen months to complete. There may be grants and scholarships available to get financial aid for Nevada LPN Programs to become a licensed practical nurse. Seeking out available scholarships and educational loans is an important process of the pre-enrollment research that any diligent student should perform. |
LPN Training Programs in NevadaSorry, we could not find any matching schools List of LPN Schools in Nevada (NV)Complete list of Nevada schools that offer state approved LPN training programs: College of Southern NevadaHealth Science Center, W1A Kaplan College LPN Program3535 W. Sahara Avenue |
National Directory of LPN Training Programs |