Free directory of 145 accredited LPN to RN Programs throughout the U.S.

Earn your BSN degree and become a Registered Nurse

The state of Maine has gorgeous mountain views and a picturesque coastline. It is not surprising that you would choose to study here and settle here. Many students are in a hurry to start working and start off their nursing studies with completion of a one year LPN program. After a few years, many decide they are ready to earn more money and ready for more responsibilities. Here in Maine, they do offer opportunities to do this. Nurses who decide to advance in their careers enroll in an LPN to RN program in Maine.

The LPN to RN programs in Maine are often called bridge programs. Moving forward to the RN degree will not be an issue if all of the schools involved are state licensed and are also accredited by the national League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. This is some thing that should have been researched before attending the LPN school. Once this is established, the procedure is as simple as registering for the classes. Some schools may even give you credit for your years of experience and cut down the amount of time necessary to complete the program.

The most affordable schools with the LPN to RN programs in Maine are Central Maine Community College in Auburn and the Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, Maine. Any of the community colleges will have some classes and will be able to answer your questions professionally. Many times, they will allow for nurses to get an Associate’s degree in nursing and then move on to the RN. Many future employers can help with tuition assistance. The Maine Board of Nursing will have a list of all of the nursing schools and where they stand as far as accreditation goes.

For most nurses, the LPN to RN programs in Maine are a natural progression and something they plan on completing eventually. Most will tell you that if it were more convenient to juggle school, full time work and responsibilities at home, they would be doing it now. Some of the schools are listening as there are several schools that now offer this bridge program online. They will give you transfer credit after you successfully pass a subject matter test. You must also have an active license as a LPN.

LPN to RN Programs in Maine

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Maine LPN to RN Schools

Find LPN to RN online programs that offer flexible scheduling and variable completion dates. Browse our list of nursing schools in Maine that offer CCNE accredited LPN to RN programs:

Indiana State University

LPN to RN Online

Accredited LPN to RN Programs in Every State