Free directory of 145 accredited LPN to RN Programs throughout the U.S.

Earn your BSN degree and become a Registered Nurse

LPN to RN Programs in Tennessee are accelerated degree courses that enable LPNs to become registered nurses. LPNs in Tennessee have already acquired some basic knowledge in nursing and perform many duties. The LPN to RN Programs are supposed to provide the LPNS with advanced nursing skills and help them to undertake more responsibilities. In Tennessee, various community colleges, vocational training schools and universities offer these programs. LPNs in Tennessee have two options — they can either enroll for a bachelor’s degree or an associate degree in nursing. The Tennessee Board of Nursing oversees the licensing of all schools that offer LPN to RN Programs in the state. Studying in an accredited and licensed school fully prepares the LPN to undertake the registered nurse licensure exam.

Before registering for any LPN to RN Programs in Tennessee, a student is expected to produce transcripts to show that they have trained as an LPN in an accredited school. The student must also show that they hold the current licensure as an LPN. They must also have a GED or a high school diploma. Students are expected to undertake and pass an entrance test before being admitted in any school.

A Bachelor Degree in Nursing in Tennessee takes four years to finish. Some BSN programs in Tennessee require LPNs to have a certain minimum SAT score, work experience and grade point average. Students are also expected to have taken certain foundation courses in biology, psychology and anatomy. If a student had not covered these foundation courses during their LPN training, they are expected to take them as prerequisites before they are allowed to enroll for a BSN program. Most BSN courses in Tennessee are made up of two parts—classroom coursework and laboratory and clinical experience. The classroom coursework covers pharmacology, nutrition, palliative nursing care, pediatric nursing, health assessment and medical surgical nursing. After completing the BSN degree, a graduate can work in surgery centers, doctor’s offices, hospitals, nursing homes, health clinics and rehab centers.

An associate degree program in Tennessee takes two years to finish. The program consists of classroom coursework and clinical and laboratory experience. After completing the program, the student is fully prepared to take the licensure exam. Tennessee also has online LPN to RN Programs that are suitable for those who are unable to attend the traditional courses. Most online programs are hybrid in nature as the students take classes online and acquire clinical experience by attending training in the nearby hospitals under the supervision of the faculty heads. The state also has fast track LPN to RN Programs that help individuals with a bachelor degree in another field apart from nursing to enroll in nursing. These courses take a shorter time to finish as students only take basic courses in nursing. LPN to RN Programs in Tennessee are versatile and an LPN can find one that suits their needs.

LPN to RN Programs in Tennessee

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Tennessee LPN to RN Schools

Find LPN to RN online programs that offer flexible scheduling and variable completion dates. Browse our list of nursing schools in Tennessee that offer CCNE accredited LPN to RN programs:

Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences LPN to RN

1003 Monroe Ave
Memphis, TN 38104-3110
(901) 575-2247

Belmont University LPN to RN

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212-3757
(615) 460-6000

Carson-Newman College LPN to RN

1646 Russell Avenue
Jefferson City, TN 37760-2232
(865) 471-3594

Cumberland University LPN to RN

218 South Greenwood Street
Lebanon, TN 37087
(615) 444-2562

East Tennessee State University LPN to RN

807 University Parkway
Johnson City, TN 37614-6578
(423) 439-1000

Middle Tennessee State University LPN to RN

1301 E Main St
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(615) 898-2300

Milligan College LPN to RN

1 Blowers Boulevard
Milligan College, TN 37682
(423) 461-8700

Tennessee State University LPN to RN

3500 John a Merritt Blvd
Nashville, TN 37209
(615) 963-5000

Union University LPN to RN

1050 Union University Dr
Jackson, TN 38305
(731) 668-1818

University of Tennessee at Martin LPN to RN

552 University Street
Martin, TN 38237
(731) 881-7000

Accredited LPN to RN Programs in Every State