Free directory of 145 accredited LPN to RN Programs throughout the U.S.

Earn your BSN degree and become a Registered Nurse

The LPN to RN Programs in Montana enables licensed LPNs in the state to complete an RN degree program within a short time. These programs are accredited and approved by the Montana Board of Nursing. These transition programs are suitable for most LPNs in the state who have busy working schedules and families that make it hard to pursue the normal traditional nursing programs. Before enrolling for any LPN to RN Programs in Montana, it is important to check with the Montana Board of Nursing to ensure the school you select has been accredited to offer these programs.

LPN to RN Programs in Montana are also referred to as bridge programs and are available in two levels— associate degree and bachelor’s degree level. The programs take between two to four years to complete. Some of the prerequisites that you must fulfill before joining the programs are that you must have a minimum of a GED or a high school diploma and be a licensed LPN. The state also requires students to take and pass a test, such as the National League for Nursing Exam prior to being admitted in any school.

The associate degree in nursing takes two years to complete in any accredited school in Montana. The ASN training in Montana is quite rigorous as the program covers clinical experience and coursework. The program aims at preparing the student to handle the responsibilities and other nursing leadership duties in the various health care settings. The ASN program is one of the fastest ways of becoming a practicing RN in Montana as it provides the student with the entry level education to start their career as a registered nurse. After completing the ASN degree program, the student can register for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses from the state board. After passing the exam, the student gets a Montana RN License, which allows them to practice.

A BSN degree in Montana takes four years to finish and enables the student to start a career as a professional nurse. The BSN curriculum is very broad and includes courses, such as community health nursing, nursing leadership, management, disease management and risk reduction. BSN graduates can pursue other specialties by enrolling for nursing certification in the state. A BSN is advantageous because it opens up opportunities for the student to pursue other graduate programs in the health care industry or in nursing.

LPN to RN Programs in Montana are versatile since you can choose the online programs or the fast track programs. Online programs enable students to access study notes and lecture materials from the internet. These programs are suitable for students with a busy work schedule or family life. They can attend classes during their free time from the comfort of their offices or homes. The qualifications for these online programs are similar to those of the traditional LPN to RN Programs. The fast track programs help students with other bachelor’s degree apart from nursing to become nurses. These students earn a degree within a short time as they only take core courses in nursing. After successfully completing the program, the students can take the National Council Licensure Examination for registered nurses and start practicing.

LPN to RN Programs in Montana

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Montana LPN to RN Schools

Find LPN to RN online programs that offer flexible scheduling and variable completion dates. Browse our list of nursing schools in Montana that offer CCNE accredited LPN to RN programs:

Montana State University- Bozeman LPN to RN

PO Box 172190
Bozeman, MT 59717-2190
(406) 994-2452

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