Free directory of 145 accredited LPN to RN Programs throughout the U.S.

Earn your BSN degree and become a Registered Nurse

You have been working as an LPN for a couple of years now, but would like to advance to an RN degree. Because of the economy and lifestyle, many people are choosing to start their careers as LPNs and then continue their education, until they receive their RN degrees. Will your LPN license be taken into consideration and what about the courses you passed while attending LPN School? Where do you start and what will you need? Today, this is perfectly acceptable and many of the RN schools assist in the process. Ohio has several educational options that will assist you in this process.

There are several ways to transition from LPN to RN. The first thing to do is to consider which school in your area you might want to attend. Research each school and see what their requirements are. One of the most important things is what do they want from you to get started. Check each school, and then compare them to select which option would be best for you and your family. Take into consideration how much time you can give to studying and still continue with your family life. Check with your workplace and see if they are willing to assist with finances and if they are willing to work with you on your schedule to allow you the hours you will need for school. Attending school and keeping up with work and home is not an easy task.

There are schools that offer online programs, as well as the technical schools or regular colleges. If your family life or work life prohibits you from spending the hours necessary at the local college, then perhaps online courses would be the answer for you. With the online programs, you do have to be self disciplined to complete the assignments on time and study is highly important. Be sure that whatever program you decide on helps you with the NCLEX-RN exam.

After becoming an RN, a whole new world opens up. One of the first things you will notice is an increase in pay and with experience you will be able to gain greater increments in pay. The opportunities in healthcare for RN’s are almost unlimited. As you progress in your career and gain experience in more areas, leadership positions are open and available. Travel nursing in a big option if you are not tied down to one area. If status and respect is important to you, then take the leap, become an RN.

LPN to RN Programs in Ohio

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Ohio LPN to RN Schools

Find LPN to RN online programs that offer flexible scheduling and variable completion dates. Browse our list of nursing schools in Ohio that offer CCNE accredited LPN to RN programs:

Kent State University LPN to RN

800 East Summit Street
Kent, OH 44242-2501
(330) 672-3000

Lourdes College LPN to RN

6832 Convent Boulevard
Sylvania, OH 43560-2898
(419) 885-3211

Malone College LPN to RN

515 25th Street Northwest
Canton, OH 44709-3897
(330) 471-8100

MedCentral College of Nursing LPN to RN

335 Glessner Avenue
Mansfield, OH 44903-2269
(419) 520-2600

Mount Vernon Nazarene University LPN to RN

800 Martinsburg Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-9500
(740) 392-6868

The University of Akron LPN to RN

302 Buchtel Mall
Akron, OH 44325
(330) 972-7111

Ursuline College LPN to RN

2550 Lander Road
Pepper Pike, OH 44124-4398
(440) 449-4200

Accredited LPN to RN Programs in Every State