Free directory of 145 accredited LPN to RN Programs throughout the U.S.

Earn your BSN degree and become a Registered Nurse

An LPN in Oklahoma who wants to expand their nursing skills in preparation for more career opportunities can enroll for the LPN to RN programs in the state. These programs help the student to gain more nursing skills by acquiring a registered nurse degree. The academic plan for the LPN to RN programs in Oklahoma is similar to that of most traditional BSN programs. LPN to RN programs in the state are accredited by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing while the National League for Nursing Commission licenses all schools. It is very important to visit the nursing board website since it lists all the schools that are licensed and accredited in the state. These programs are available in universities, community colleges and vocational training institutions in the state.

Students in Oklahoma pursuing LPN to RN programs can either enroll for an associate or a bachelor’s degree. Before enrolling for any LPN to RN program in Oklahoma, you must be a licensed LPN with a minimum of a GED or a high school diploma. The student is expected to take and pass the National League for Nursing Exam entrance exam before being admitted in any school. This exam proves to the school that the student possesses some basic knowledge in nursing. An associate degree in nursing in Oklahoma takes two years to complete. This program covers theory, clinical and laboratory experiences. Students learn a wide range of skills, such as communication skills, confidentiality, integrity, critical thinking, management skills and how to handle the environmental hazards of the job. After completing the ADN program, the student can undertake the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses. After passing this exam, the state gives the student the registered nurse license to start practicing in the state. This licensure opens up employment opportunities in hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices and nursing homes.

A BSN in Oklahoma takes four years to complete and offers comprehensive training aimed at enabling the student to start their career in professional nursing. The program covers theoretical, clinical and lab experience. Some of the courses covered by most BSN programs in the state include nutrition, psychology, algebra and chemistry. Most of these courses aim at helping the student to learn the techniques needed in performing their jobs upon graduating. Students will learn how to administer medication and how to collect patient data and samples. After completing the program, the student can undertake specialty in any field such as public health, neonatal nursing, geriatric nursing, pediatrics or mental health nursing. A BSN not only opens up employment opportunities for the graduate, but also allows them to advance their career in nursing or other medical fields.

Oklahoma also offers fast track or accelerated LPN to RN programs. These programs target students with a bachelor degree in another discipline and would love to pursue nursing. Fast track programs take one to two years to finish. Upon finishing, the student takes the NCLEX-RN to get licensure. Several schools in Oklahoma also offer online LPN to RN programs that enable the student to access learning materials on the internet. These programs help the student to advance their education without interrupting their busy work schedules.

LPN to RN Programs in Oklahoma

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Oklahoma LPN to RN Schools

Find LPN to RN online programs that offer flexible scheduling and variable completion dates. Browse our list of nursing schools in Oklahoma that offer CCNE accredited LPN to RN programs:

Langston University LPN to RN

701 West Sammie Davis Junior Drive
Langston, OK 73050
(405) 466-2231

Northwestern Oklahoma State University LPN to RN

709 Oklahoma Blvd
Alva, OK 73717-2799
(580) 327-1700

Oklahoma Wesleyan University LPN to RN

2201 Silver Lake Road
Bartlesville, OK 74006-6233
(918) 333-6151

Southern Nazarene University LPN to RN

6729 NW 39th Expy
Bethany, OK 73008
(405) 789-6400

The University of Tulsa LPN to RN

800 South Tucker Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74104-9700
(918) 631-2000

University of Central Oklahoma LPN to RN

100 North University Drive
Edmond, OK 73034-5209
(405) 974-2000

University of Oklahoma LPN to RN

1341 Asp Avenue
Norman, OK 73019-0001
(405) 325-5658

Accredited LPN to RN Programs in Every State